The Interview Series – Chris Wheatcroft, Ascension Life Fund

Chris Wheatcroft manages the Ascension Life Fund, which is an investor in Stablepharma Ltd, as part of their portfolio of early-stage TechBio investments. Chris has extensive experience in the early-stage market, where he has managed four tax-efficient funds and syndicated investment for more than 150 businesses over a 13 year period. I asked Chris, given […]

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The Interview Series – Nick Child, VP & Co-Founder, Stablepharma

Nick Child is a co-founder of Stablepharma Ltd, The Fridge-free Vaccine Company. He has, since his initial encounter with leading scientist and co-founder, Dr Bruce Roser MB BS PhD, had a passion and commitment to fulfil Stablepharma’s vision of making vaccines accessible to everyone without the requirement for cold chain storage. I asked Nick to […]

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The Interview Series – Dr Karen O’Hanlon, CDO, Stablepharma

Dr Karen O’Hanlon, Chief Development Officer at Stablepharma, has worked in drug development for over 25 years and has huge amounts of experience in the design and implementation of preclinical and clinical development programmes for a variety of products which includes vaccines, gene therapies, cell therapies, biologicals and small molecules. Prior to joining Stablepharma last […]

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The Interview Series – Neil Mayall, CFO, Stablepharma

Neil Mayall, Chief Financial Officer of Stablepharma, has a long and varied career within the Financial Services industry. Prior to taking up his role at Stablepharma, he was part of the founding team who developed and ultimately sold the financial services consultancies Troika and PEN Partnership. I asked Neil what attracted him to Stablepharma Ltd, […]

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The Interview Series – Dr Bruce Roser, Chairman & Founder, Stablepharma

Dr Bruce Roser, Founder and Chairman of Stablepharma Ltd, throughout his long career has had a vision to remove our current dependence on the cold chain by reformulating existing approved vaccines, so that they are thermostable, in other words, fridge-free. He has worked tirelessly and written many scientific papers and patents on his work around […]

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The Interview Series – Dr Steve Chatfield, Vaccine Expert Consultant

Dr. Steve Chatfield, Consultant and Advisor to the Life Sciences Industry, recently joined the Stablepharma Ltd Advisory Board, where he is initially advising on, and progressing the launch of Stablepharma’s SPVX02, a fridge-free vaccine for the prevention of Tetanus diphtheria. With a long and varied career in the Life Sciences Industry, Steve is not only […]

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